Surrender to the Divine Tarot Spread for Trusting Spirit

At times I have issues laying back and doing trust falls with the divine. It’s not easy trusting they’ll catch me yet I know in my heart it’s the right thing to do.

Over the past few months I’ve been called to trust spirit even more than I have in the past.

My spiritual journey has been the most important part of my life for many years. It has challenged me, made me see truths in myself, put me face to face with my greatest fears, and it has humbled me.

It cracked open parts of me that were closed, hurt, and broken. Yet rather than let those broken pieces stay broken, it pieced them together to form new parts of me.

I attribute everything I have in this lifetime to the divine and their guidance. Every good thing I have in my life came as a result of trusting spirit and doing something that pushed me out of my comfort zone. I’m fully aware of this, yet I still have difficulties fully giving up control and trusting spirit.

I wanted this tarot spread to help me understand where in my life I could trust spirit better and more importantly, how I could ease some of my grip of control. r

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