Posts tagged angels
Tarot Spread - Help from Spirit Guides

I've done a few tarot spreads for communicating with your Spirit Guides because it's something I try to do often. I find that using tarot cards can be a great way to feel connected and understand why this Guide is with you at any current time. 

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Tarot Spread - Finding Your Passion

When you're unsure where to look, tarot is always a great resource.  I created this spread to help inspire and guide you in the direction of finding your passion(s). Besides the spread, here are a few extra ideas to help you find your passion:

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Tarot Spread - Angel Guidance

If you do not believe in Angels, this spread can easily be changed to ask for help from you Guides, God, Higher Self, etc. Feel free to change and alter this spread as your intuition guides you.

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Tarot Spread - Throat Chakra

With a balanced throat chakra we aren't afraid to speak our truth. We are humble, honest and transparent with others.  We feel confident in resolving...

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Tarot Spread - Manifest Your Desires

Manifesting isn't a chore or a burden. If you are doing it properly, you'll agree that it feels better than anything else you'll do today. The feeling of being in alignment is one of the greatest gifts we can experience in our human form. 

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Tarot Spread - Channeling Spirit Guides

I believe our Spirit Guides have specific lessons and guidance they can offer us at all times - we simply need to ask and allow. I wanted to know what my Guides are currently trying to help me with and what I can do to simplify the process on my end, so I created this spread to open the dialogue with my Guides. 

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Tarot Spread - Full Moon

I created this tarot spread to help illuminate your upcoming lunar phase. As I found out recently, the words lunatic, lunacy, and loony all derived from the Latin word Luna, meaning the Moon. Stay balanced during this wacky time dear friends!

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